Annual Impact Report

June 2024

At Cypress, our vision has always been to reach central Ohio with the life-changing message of Christ. We do this by leading people to Christ and providing steps to follow him. We want everyone to Know and experience God, Find Friends and Freedom, and Make a Difference by discovering their purpose and serving others.

We measure Next Steps

Click the button below to see our vision and beliefs.

Reflecting over the past year, it's evident that God is at work, and the following numbers highlight the transformative changes happening across our campuses, in our communities, and around the world.


Baptisms in
the last year


Baptisms over
the last 5 years

Baptism is an outward commitment of an inward change.

People who completed
Getting Started.


Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.  - 1 Corinthians 12:27


People participate in Cypress Small Groups.


Growth compared to last year. 


People serve on a Difference Maker Team.
Serve with us!

Attendance Numbers

5,849 | Average weekly attendance

16% | Growth compared to last year

2,516 | Identified first-time guests

10,090 | First-time guests over the last five years

11,183 | Easter attendance

10,527 | Christmas attendance

Campuses report

301 | Marysville Campus average attendance since launching TWO years ago

274 | Español Campus average attendance since launching TWO years ago

450 | London Campus average attendance since launching FIVE years ago


App launches exceeded in February and March. Stay connected with us!

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Cypress kids
and Students

2,710 Kids +

1,350  Students

...were pointed to Christ, had fun, and made friends through our Cypress Kids and Student Ministries.

Leadership development


Students in the 2911 High
School Leadership Program


Residents and Interns in our


Residents and interns have been developed and deployed through Cypress over the last few years

Local and global outreach

17 | Local and global partners

10,000+ | People provided aThanksgiving meal

33,000+ | Food items donated

17,000 | lbs. of turkey purchased

100,000 | Meals packaged and shipped to Peru

28 | Families helped through the Bridge Fund

3 | Teams sent on global missions trips

8 | Blood drives held at a Cypress's locations

Cypress has donated more blood than any organization in Central Ohio.

CYpress Schools

Our three auxiliaries continue to allow us to serve our community through education and as a means of
entry into the faith community of Cypress Church. Our three auxiliaries operate and
contribute to the mission of Cypress Church both financially and spiritually.

Cypress Pre-School

Cypress Daycare

Cypress School (K - 8th Grade)


6.89% | Increase in tithes and offerings

1,733 | People gave a tithe and offering to Cypress

285 | Households gave for the first time

$4,063 | Annual giving per household giver

Cypress Church takes financial stewardship very seriously; therefore, we have a system of checks and balances.

Cypress is led by the Senior Pastor and Executive Leadership Team alongside the Senior Pastor and Board of Elders.

Cypress undergoes a full financial review by an independent CPA firm every year who provides a direct report to the Board of Elders every August.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  - Matthew 6:21

A portion of every dollar that comes in goes to meet needs and reach people beyond our walls of Cypress through local and global outreach, leadership development, and local benevolence. As we continue to seek growth in the number of salvations, baptisms and next steps, we are committed to building the Strategic Investment Fund for future campus expansions and ministry opportunities. The remaining portion of our budget is allocated to labor and operational expenses. We manage our finances with a profound understanding that every dollar is a gift to be stewarded wisely to help further the Kingdom.
Cypress's Fiscal year is May 31 / June 1